Wednesday 18 March 2009

'I'm a Musicon Celebrity thanks to Maxis Broadband

Wow! Once again, wow!

What an honour and mind-blowing experience would this be to attend the Nuffnang Music Bash 2009! And to be treated like celebrities. Wicked!

I have had built castles-in-the-air of being a renowned film director, walking on the red carpet, to the Academy Awards. Perhaps this dream might be actualised in the future but this event might actually give me a glimpse of stardom and the privileges that usually follow suit.

I wouldn't call myself the most accomplished of bloggers but I have always wanted to interact with my fellows as it were in a fun and exciting environment and now apparently I can. Just to think the number of contacts and the networking that would come about ...

So, I shall await the dawn of the 4th of April with much anticipation.

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