Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Us Once More

The entity of life
Within me
Yearns for thee
I think of naught
But thou
The endeavours I involve myself in
Seem futile
Futile and in vain
Why should I participate in such futility
When I can linger in time
With thy thought, thy face
Illuminating my path
A serene music awakens within me
A tingle,
Do I feel
The Passage of Time
Seems like the perusing of the books of the world
I grow not faint nor weary
To others
The wait may appear an encumbrance
But for me
My pursuit has ended
I am mistaken
It had just begun
And so it is with you
Let us then, my love, my friend
With no care in our minds
But only with the zest of youth
Tread this thoroughfare
So beautiful before us
And find each other
Once more.

Sunday, 23 November 2008

Could this be?

If you remember a few weeks ago, I posted an entry called "The Forbidden-Fruit Dilemma". Now I can say that that dilemma has been resolved. The forbidden fruit became "unforbidden" but another more lovely fruit from The Tree of Life as it were appeared. I opted for the latter. And I don't regret it a bit.

But it is so lovely and beyond words that deep within me, I'm beginning to wonder if this could possibly be? Have I at last found what I have been seeking all this while? Am I at last in the company of one who was destined for me and I her?

You know what, I think so. Wait, I know it is supposed to be like this. I can feel it. I can sense it. Yes. I have at last found what I sought with zeal and vehemency. And thank God for that!

This void within me has now been filled with the waters of joy!

I can foresee something beautiful ahead of me. And beautiful it shall be.

Monday, 17 November 2008

Angels & Demons Trailer

For all of you fans of Dan Brown, here is the trailer of the next adaptation of his renowned book, Angels & Demons. This movie is coming out next year May, on the month of my birthday! Enjoy the trailer!

(Source: Apple.com/trailers)

Saturday, 15 November 2008

The Elephant in the Room ... or in the Telly

When Hitz TV of Astro first aired the song called "I Kissed A Girl" by Kate Perry, I was utterly shocked that such a song was made or even aired on Malaysian television.

But after a few weeks, I realised that the title of the song was left in elipsis (I Kissed A ...) and when the chorus part came, "I kissed a girl, I liked it", the word "girl" was muted and it has been like that ever since.

Come on!

Don't you (the censorship board of Malaysia) think that people already know what the singer is singing? How dumb do you think Malaysians are? This song was already aired in full flesh when it was first shown. People already would have known by now what the song is talking about.

Just because you muted the word "girl" or put elipsis in the title, that doesn't mean the people would not be aware of the nature of the song. Have you forgotten of the existence of something called the INternet? Anyone with a computer and an Internet connection just have to go to Youtube, type "I Kissed A Girl - Kate Perry" and they can watch the song, uncensored, unedited.

What you could have done is ban the song altogether. But then again, the infamous Internet is still there.

So, you can't do much actually. What you are doing now is like trying to hide a white elephant in the room.

So everyone out there, enjoy the song!

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Race-Baseless Politics

This post can be considered as a rebuttal to former premier Tun Dr Mathathir's remarks on the necessity of race-based politics and parties even to this day.

He is wrong to say that race-based politics is still relevant today. Why or how would it be relevant? Isn't the first challange set by Mahathir for Malaysia's Vision 2020 is to create a united Malaysia and one Bangsa Malaysia (one Malaysian Race)? Then how could race-based politics be still relevant? I still don't quite get it.

And what about that rant that a non-Malay can become a Prime Minister? Has it ever happened in Malaysia? The law stipulates that the leader of the winning party will be nominated and subsequently elected as the Prime Minister.

As we all know, only one party leads the National Front and defitinely no non-Malay can come out of that party since there aren't any non-Malays at all!

Tun, I think you are wrong in your assertations. But then again, you are entitled to your views just as I am entitled to mine.

But this I have to say: Malaysia is ready for the abolishment of race-based politics and parties and form a new system, a form of politics that is of the people, for the people and by the people.

Conduct Unbecoming

They came by the thousands ...

They arrived in the morning ...

They were students ...

They held a demonstration ...

And they were not assaulted.

If you are wondering what the above "poem" is about, probably you are justified for not remembering the incident since in this country, demonstrations almost always end up with Federal Reserve Units (FRU), water canons, tear gas and a fiasco!

August this year, thousands of students from Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) held a demonstration in front of 'the state secretariat building' (Read the full article here in The Star Online and The New Straits Times Online) in response to Selangor Menteri Besar's proposal to open up the universiti to non-Malays.

Yes, the police were there (I think) and true the demonstration or the protest or whatever you want to call it, was peaceful. But the question that begs to be answered is why were they not dispersed? Why was the FRU not present? Where were the legendary water canons and tear gas?

This is an excerpt of what Terence Fernandez, a prominent columnist in The Sun newspaper, had to say about this:

ALMOST every month for one reason or another, a group of politicians and supporters of the previous Selangor administration congregate in front of the state government building, holding up banners to protest against one policy or another. These include centralised pig farming, a suggestion to open up Universiti Teknologi Mara to non-Malays and the appointment of a non-bumiputra to head the Selangor State Development Corporation.

In all those instances, the riot police were absent and Selangor police chief Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar’s men treated the protesters with kid gloves – reminiscent of their counterparts in KL and Penang during other illegal gatherings against the Bar Council and the Pakatan Rakyat Penang government this year.

On Sunday night, however, the full force of the law was brought to bear by the men in blue, with the backing of the Federal Reserve Unit and their water cannons, batons and shields.

(Read the full article here)

Last year, during the Bersih Rally, a full bastion of the FRU were present and they did use their water canons (which were contaminated with chemical by the way) and tear gas to disperse the crowd. Their actions could be lauded if the rally was in any way violent. But the rally was anything but that! It was the hallmark of a peaceful rally. Commendable. And yet the full force of the FRU was utilised.

This injustice was repeated again on the 9th of November 2008, just a few days ago, when a peaceful night-vigil was held opposite the Civic Centre, near Amcorp Mall. Actually this vigil was held to mark the one-year anniversary of last year's Bersih Rally.

But this time, the purpose of the vigil was to protest against the Internal Security Act (ISA). Besides Bersih members, supporters of blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin were also present.

The police forcefully dispersed the crowd who were singing the national anthem, Negaraku. Firstly, this was an utter disrespect to the national anthem. Next, why did the police had to disperse a peaceful vigil?

Then why were the UiTM students not dispersed? Probably because the Selangor government decided to handle them softly because that is the right way to handle a peaceful demonstration, let alone a vigil.

I am much appaled by the actions of the police. They had no right to use force to disperse the crowd. Children were present at the vigil. A woman was hurt. And nearly two dozen people were arrested. Why they were arrested? What crime did they commit? Then why were the students not arrested?

All that I can say is the police should deal fairly with everyone. True this vigil was illegal but that should not give them the right to use force to disperse the people.

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Uncalled for Behaviour: Desecration of the Elected Representatives

About a few weeks ago, just a few days before the Muslims celebrated Aidilfitri, a banner depicting YB Teresa Kok (Member of the Selangor State Assembly for Kinrara) and YB Gobind Singh (Member of Parliament for Puchong) wishing all the Muslim residence in Puchong was hung in my housing area (Taman Mawar Kinrara Section 5). Since it was put up, I was waiting to see if there'd be any vandalism attack on the banner. Aidilfitri came and went peacefully and nothing was done to the banner. I was wrong.

About a week ago, another banner depicting the YBs was hung, adjacent to the existing one. This time, it was meant for the Indian community who would be celebrating the festival of lights, Deepavali. I did not speculate or anticipate anything to happen to the banner.

But I was wrong.

Today morning, when I was going to the bank, I glanced out of my father's car and saw the horrific scene. Both the faces of the YBs in both the banners were mutilated with black-coloured spray. The face of Teresa Kok, especially, was completely blackened!

I am much ashamed of this occurrence. One should not resort to vandalism to express one's dissatisfaction or rage. Write a letter or visit the YBs and tell them of what you think of them. You have the rights to do that. But not this. This is unwarranted.

I am appalled by this behaviour.

I am disgusted of the person/s who did such a shameful thing.

On their behalf, please accept my apologies YBs. Some people are still living in caves.

Saturday, 25 October 2008

The Forbidden Fruit Dilemma

The very first dilemma in the Holy Bible is when Eve was tempted by the serpent (the Devil) to eat of the fruit which was forbidden by God. After the creation of the world and man, God gave the charge to Adam and Eve to be the caretakers of this world. He gave them dominion over everything but forbade them from eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We all know how the events progressed.

The conclusion that I can draw from this account is that when something is forbidden or restricted, that is when we want it more. The impulse to possess it becomes too severe that it can propagate someone to resort to evil manners.

I, for one, am not in agreement with such endeavours. However, my liking for something that is forbidden is making me have second thoughts. Should I or should I not? This dilemma within me is murder. I so want - well, want is to greedy a word. So, I shall say, desire - to be with this forbidden entity that I really do not know what to do. My circle of counsel have differing opinions. Some have strictly admonished me from resorting to evil means while some have said such measures may be beneficial.

You may think I am being dramatic -no ... melodramatic! - but I am not. I understand what I am going through. I know whereof I speak.

Maybe I shall not pluck the "forbidden fruit" but use a stick and poke around the branches in the hope that the fruit shall drop and come tumbling to me.

Whatever it is ... I really don't know what to say.

Friday, 24 October 2008

Euphoric at Euphoria




The list of words describing my experience at Euphoria yesterday night can go on and on. Yesterday was my first time going to a club and apparently the best club in KL according to a friend of mine. I have to agree that the place was awesome. The environment was just the way I hoped it to be: cosy, smoke free and a little gloomy.

The best part of it was that the entrance was free.

The group of us went to the dance-floor around 10.30 and waited for the music to start. And when it started, all of us began moving our bodies. I was a little hesitant initially. But after having an alcoholic beverage (Long Island Tea), that's when the party kicked off for me! I danced and danced.

Too bad I didn't manage to get myself acquainted with any hot chics. But anyway, yesterday was too familiarise myself with the clubbing groove and just dance to de-stress myself. But the next time I'm going, I will be looking out for the babes. Look out ladies!

Monday, 20 October 2008

Second-Hand Smoking Relived

Statistics shows that for every four cigarettes a smoker smokes, a non-smoker has smoked one.

But what I went through the other day, I felt like I was smoking four cigarettes when the guy was smoking only one!

I arrived early in college the other day. So the Media Hub (a computer lab sort of place) was not open yet. I decided to sit on the staircase and wait until they open the Hub. This was where the ordeal began. Well, the man was already smoking when I sat on the steps but he should have at least had the courtesy to leave the place once I was there.
As I was reading The Sun newspaper, he took puff after puff that I felt like I was in one of those smokers' room at airports. For nearly ten minutes or so he smoked. And when he was done, I ended up having a headache.

Smokers out there. You should be more attentive to the people around you. If you want to kill yourselves, you have all the right. But don't take our lives as well.

Saturday, 18 October 2008

Yasmin Ahmad - The Let Down

Today was supposed to be a great and wonderful day. It was supposed to be a historical day for me. It was the day I was supposed to meet the much acclaimed Malaysia director and dubbed to be a woman of the new wave, Yasmin Ahmad.

To give you all a little background. Today was the Taylor's School of Communication Media Carnival 2008, the first of its kind in Taylor's College Petaling Jaya. The theme chosen for this auspicious event was Media Freedom. So, during the first session, there was supposed to be a dialogue session between the four of us (Michelle T, Michelle C, Tash and me) and Yasmin on this particular topic and the second session was supposed to be another dialogue session between four other students and three people from the industry (Christine Ooi, DJ Hisham and Andrew Nato).

Unfortunately, Miss Yasmin couldn't make it on time so we had to kick-start the dialogue session with the second slot. It went terrifically well. The reason for her delay was that she was bringing a group of actors with her. Then came the second reason. Her car broke down in Sungai Buloh and now she was apparently waiting for her husband to pick her up. Lunch time came and went. The events of the day unfolded (awesome band performances) and still there was no sign of her. That was the final straw. When it was 4.40 p.m. I just left my college.

I am very disappointed with Yasmin because all four of us had put much energy, soul and time in preparing our questions and stuff. We were all eagerly awaiting to see this director who had made fantastic films. But we didn't expect this to happen. I really don't know what to say. A lot of people turned up to actually see her but they were disappointed too.

I really feel sorry for the team that organised this event and my lecturers.

Yasmin Ahmad ... I am much disappointed with you.

Friday, 15 August 2008

Wednesday, 7 May 2008

Sunday, 4 May 2008


Greetings to all the people of the Virtual Realm,

Yesterday was a wonderful day. For the first time, I took a bus to Central Market, boarded the LRT to KLCC, went to Kinokuniya and bought a good book, window-shopped, had lunch and went back to Central Market for a talk in conjunction with World Press Freedom Day. After the talk, I went for a book exhibition and got three books for free. Before boarding a bus back home, I window-shopped Central Market and took some interesting pictures of some grafitti on the wall of a building. When the bus reached my stop, I realised that my Nokia 7610 my missing. I checked the bus but it was not there. I returned home on the verge of a break-down. I have been pick-pocketed. At the Central Market bus station!

God Bless!

Thursday, 24 April 2008

Greetings to all the people of the Virtual Realm,

This is just a test post. (Oprah, 2007)

God Bless!


Monday, 21 April 2008


Greetings to all the people of the Virtual Realm,

I do not know if my message to save our planet in conjunction with Earth Hour 2008 was of any success. I know for a fact that my close friends did not take part in the event. Let bygones be bygones. Today, I have a new charge to all of you out there. April 22 is Earth Day and my charge to you is to do whatever you can to save our home ... our beloved but dying planet. Those of you who chose to ignore the noble call of Earth Hour 2008 can make up for it by turning off the electricity for an hour on Earth Day. Besides that, you can choose to take a public transport to your school, college or work. Plant a tree if you must! Do whatever that is in your power to save Earth. It takes only one person to save our planet.

Save our home ... save our planet ... save Earth.

God Bless!

Sunday, 20 April 2008

"You have heard ... "

Greetings to all the people of the Virtual Realm,

I have been obsessed with Alessandra Ambrosio of late. However, today I came to realisation that I have committed a wrong. I should not have admired her to the point of obsession. I should not have! God has said that this is wrong in His eyes. The Lord Jesus said 'You have heard that it was said "Do not commit adultery" but I tell you, anyone who looks at a woman with lust has committed adultery.' I have violated God's command. But, I know that I have to worry about nothing. As long as I confess my wrong-doings, I know God will forgive me. Hallelujah!

God Bless!

Friday, 11 April 2008

Chris Daughtry - what about now (with lyrics)


Greetings to all the people of the Virtual Realm,

What are we here for than to help our fellow humans. The connection that each of us share with one another is something that trancends human comprehension yet verily human. Some of us who have been blessed with wealth are to think of ways to reach out to our less fortunate brothers and sisters. As Lord Jesus said, by helping people we would have entertained and helped angels. Recently, all of us would have watched that great "Idol Gives Back". Is it not just wonderful to see how many millions have been raised in just two days? Why can't we do that here, in Malaysia? Why can't we all give a Ringgit each at least to help our own less fortunate community? Why can't we? I think we can. To all who are reading this message, my charge to you is this: take a step forward and give. Spread this to everyone you know. We can do this. Together, we can help our people. Step up! Help our people.

God Bless!

Thursday, 3 April 2008



Greetings to all the people of the Virtual Realm,

I have once again fell for a model.

I have only one word for her: HOT!

I simply adore her body.

She is perfect.

God Bless!

David Cook - Billie ( Billy ) Jean - American Idol Top 10

At Last!

Greetings to the people of the Virtual Realm,

For those of you who are fans of Ramielle Malubay, let be first apologize for what I am about to say. At last, the girl is out. It is undeniable that her powerful voice promised a lot of things when she auditioned. However, unlike Carly Smitson and now David Cook, Ramielle has never been consistent. Her song choices were always atrocious, to be candid. She even became overconfident. And now, it has brought her to the end of her Idol journey. It is about time. I have posted above David Cook's rendition of Billy Jeans. Listen to it. It is screamingly wonderful.
God Bless!

Friday, 28 March 2008

Earth Hour 2008

Save our home...save our planet...save Earth.


Greetings to all the people of the Virtual Realm,

The well-being of our planet Earth is our shared responsibility. Every single one of us have to share the burden to save our slowly dying planet. Just recently, a large ice-shelf disintegrated from the Antartic. The Earth is being heated up daily by the emission of greenhouse gases. More and more rivers are being polluted. It is very sad to see how inconsiderate people can get. For God's sake! Rivers and seas are our heritage. Even the land! But people throw their garbage not into the rubbish bin that is provided but into rivers and on lands that are not used. Bollocks! Today, however, we can make a difference. At 8 p.m. today, for one hour, turn off all your lights and electricity. Just for one hour. It will make a lot of difference. You may think that how could just one person, like yourself, can make any difference. You can! It only takes one person to make a difference. So, in conjunction with Earth Hour 2008, turn off your electricity for just one hour. It will make a difference. Spread this message to every one you know around the world. Let us all together as inhabitants of planet Earth turn off for Earth Hour 2008!

God Bless!

P.S. For those of you out there who are keen in doing more for planet Earth, simply visit http://www.earthhour.org/ for more details.

Tuesday, 4 March 2008

MY Celine Dion Concert Fund Part 2

Greetings to all the people of the Virtual Realm,

I am in need of RM 288! I know, I realise, it is a lot. But if 288 people could give me RM 1 each, I would be able to purchase the ticket and watch the concert of my idol! I make my plea for charity to all of you out there. Help me to get to this concert. I need to purchase the ticket soon as it might get sold out. Please help me.

God Bless!

Sunday, 2 March 2008


Greetings to all the people of the Virtual Realm,

I am elated and devastated. Elated because my most favourite singer, the greatest singer in the world, Miss Celine Dion, is coming to KL this April. Devastated because I cannot afford the ticket. So, now my request and plea to all of you out there is this: could all of you please extend your hand of charity to help me to purchase this ticket? This is my only chance to attend my idol's concert. Please help me to purchase this ticket by donating any amount of money to my fund. My thanks in advance to all who would be helping me. THANK YOU.

God Bless!

Sunday, 27 January 2008

Nicole Nordeman - What If

What If......

Greetings to all the people of the Virtual Realm,

There may be times when talking about Jesus gets difficult. Some people may say that he was just a nice man, a peaceful guy who talked about God. They don't seem to believe that Jesus is the Son of God. Well, He is. I have posted a song that speaks about this issue.

God Bless!

What if you're right He was just another nice guy What if you're right What if it's true They say the cross will only make a fool of you And what if it's true
What if He takes His place in history With all the prophets and the kings Who taught us love, and came in peace But then the story ends What then
*But what if you're wrong What if there's more What if there's hope you never dreamed of hoping for What if you jump Just close your eyes What if the arms that catch you, catch you by surprise What if He's more than enough What if it's love
What if you dig Way down deeper than your simple-minded friends What if you dig What if you find A thousand more unanswered questions down inside That's all you find
What if you pick apart the logic And begin to poke the holes What if the crown of thorns is no more than fokelore that must be told And retold
'Cause you've been running as fast as you can You've been looking for a place you can land For so long But what if you're wrong
What if you jump Just close your eyes What if the arms that catch you, catch you by surprise What if He's more than enough What if it's love
What if it's love

Saturday, 26 January 2008

You Are My Hiding Place - Psalm 32:7

Greetings to all the people of the Virtual Realm,

As humans, all of us are always, constantly, attacked by troubles and worries. We cannot but feel overwhelmed. Even the emotionally-strongest of us. We cower at the sight of turmoil. But you see, there is someone who can always make you feel secure, save. It is not your mother. It is not your lover. It is God himself. He is our hiding place as the song below will iterate.

"You are my hiding-place;
you will protect me from trouble
and surround me with songs of deliverance."
Psalm 32:7
So, next time your are overwhelmed by a problem, don't worry. The Lord is your hiding place. He will surround you and fill your heart with songs of deliverance. Praise His Holy Name!
God Bless!
You are my hiding place
You always fill my heart
with songs of deliverance
whenever I am afraid,
I will trust in you,
I will trust in you
Let the weak say 'I am strong' in the strength of the Lord

You Are My Hiding Place

Thursday, 24 January 2008

I AM WHO I AM - Exodus 3:14

Greetings to all the people of the Virtual Realm,

Warrant me first to thank our LORD and God, the Great I AM, who has given me this opportunity to praise His holy name and speak of His wonders. Many of you out there would have already heard about how great our God is. And many of you would have found it ... how should I put it ... silly to believe that God himself died for the race of men and by accepting Him as your Saviour, you would be forgiven of your wrongdoings. Let me say that your are entitled to feel that way, considering how logic thralls you. But you see, just by being good and doing good, you cannot earn merit points from God. His standards are so high that none of us can reach them. He is after all a holy God. And holiness cannot bear the sight of wrongs. So, knowing our inadequacy, God sent His Son, Lord Jesus Christ, to die on OUR behalf. He died to redeem mankind back to its Maker, its Creator. God loves you and me so much that He sacrificed His Son for us. How can we ever thank Him? So, my dear friends, when you are alone, in solitude, sit down and think for a while: Will I be good enough to make sure my wrongs are forgiven? Will God forget my wrongdoings just because I am doing good things?. Have any of you ever found joy and peace, not the momentary ones but the real and deep ones, in your lives just by doing good? You can feel that something is missing in your life. There is this unexplainable void inside of you. And into this void, you try to fill up with earthly treasures, which does not last for eternity. God is Eternal. So is His Love for you and me. Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God. Trust also in Jesus, our Saviour. He loves you. He wants to have a relationship with you. He wants you to be saved and join Him eternity. Accept the Gift of God. Invite Jesus into your lives. Make Him your Saviour. God will be your Father and Saviour. Your life will definitely change. May the Lord bless you. Amen

I have posted a song below. Listen to it. Let God touch your hearts.

God Bless!

Pencil marks on a wall, I wasn’t always this tallYou scattered some monsters from beneath my bed.You watched my team win, and watched my team loseWatched when my bicycle went down again
When I was weak, unable to speak,still I could call you by nameAnd I said Elbow Healer, Super Hero, come if you can.You said, I am.
Only sixteen, life is so meanWhat kind of curfew is at 10 pm?You saw my mistakes and watched my heart breakHeard when I swore I’d never love again
When I was weak, unable to speak,still I could call you by nameAnd I said Heartache Healer, Secretkeeper, be my best FriendYou said, I am.
You saw me wear white by pale candle lightI said ‘forever’ to what lies aheadTwo kids and a dream, with kids that can screamToo much it might seem when it is at 2 am.
When I am weak, unable to speakstill I will call you by nameOh, Shepherd, Savior, Pasture Maker, Hold on to my hand.You say, I am.
The winds of change and circumstanceBlow in and all around usSo we find a foothold that’s familiar.And bless the moments that we feel you nearer
When life had begun, I was woven and spunYou let the angels dance around the throne.Who can say when, but they’ll dance againWhen I am free and finally headed home
I will be weak, unable to speakStill I will call you by nameCreator, Maker, Life SustainerComforter, Healer, My RedeemerLord and King, Beginning and EndI am. I am.

(God's Name Is) I Am - Nicole Nordeman - Psalm 139

Saturday, 19 January 2008

Schindler's Ark

Greetings to all the people of the Virtual World

One of my new year's resolution was to post daily in my blog. However, as it is apparent, I have failed to do so. Utterly failed. Nevermind that. I would like to share about a book which eventualy became a movie in the early 90s. This book is called "Schindler's Ark" by Thomas Keneally. It is about Oskar Schindler, a German man who did all that he could to save as many Jews as possible during Hitler's reign. I am currently reading the book. But I watched the movie before I bought the book (Kinokuiya). Wonderful movie. Simply fantastic! Emotional! I almost cried at the ending. Directed by Steven Spielberg, who is a Jew himself, this movie starred Liam Neeson as Oskar Schindler and it went to win four Oscar's, including Best Picture and Best Director. I would urge everyone out there to watch this thought-provoking movie.

God Bless!